Today, I want to open up a candid conversation about a topic rarely discussed in the world of weddings and wedding photography – the post-wedding blues. Join me as I peel back the layers of the emotional side of being a wedding photographer and shed light on the mental health challenges we often face. 1. […]

Mental Health, Wedding

December 14, 2023

Behind the Lens: Navigating Post-Wedding Blues as Your Trusted Tampa Wedding Photographer


For wedding photographers, practicing self-care is essential to maintain mental and emotional well-being amid the unique challenges of the profession. Here are some practical self-care strategies tailored to wedding photographers: Remember that self-care is a personalized journey, and it’s crucial to tailor these strategies to fit your individual needs and preferences. Consistently implementing these practices […]

Mental Health, Wedding

December 7, 2023

Practical Self-care Strategies Tailored To Wedding Photographers